Teaching - Lehre
Our teaching is primarily directed towards students in both Bachelor and Master programs enrolled at the Faculty of Economics and Management.
At the Bachelor level, we are offering a lecture on Busines Decision Analysis which is part of the core program in the IBE (4th semester). In their 5th semester, students interested in the operations area (production and logistics), can choose the lecture Introduction to Production Management and the Project Seminar: Quantitative Methods in Production and Logistics as part of their elective studies. Although both being self-contained, these two modules can be chosen to complement each other. Also, in each semester a Bachelor Thesis Seminar can be taken.
At the Master level, we offer a lectures on different topics or Masters Theses covering various topics in the field of Production and Logistics.
For more details on lectures and additional seminars offered in the current semester as well as an outlook onto the next semester, see below.
Summer semester 2025
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management (in English, Master)
- Business Decision Analysis (in English, Bachelor)
- Bachelor thesis and seminar (in English, Bachelor)
Winter semester 2024/25
- Project Seminar: Quantitative Methods for Business (in English, Bachelor)
- Lecture: Introduction to Production Management (in English, Bachelor elective module)
- Bachelor thesis and seminar (in English, Bachelor)
- Lecture: Scientific Work for ORBA, Part Analytics Basics (in English, Master)
Other lectures held since winter semester 2011/12
- Business Forecasting (in English, Master)
- Service Operations Management (in English, Master, summer semester 2017)
- Servicelogistik (in German, Master, winter semester 2016/17)
- Decision Analysis (in English, Bachelor, winter semester 2015/16)
- Supply Chain Management (in German, Master, winter semester 2013/14, BUW)
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management (in German, Master, winter semester 2013/14, BUW)
- Einführung in die Produktion (in German, Bachelor, summer semester 2013, BUW)
- Produktionsmanagement (in German, Bachelor, summer semester 2013, BUW)
- Logistikmanagement (in German, Bachelor, summer semester 2013, BUW)
- Operations Management (in German, Bachelor, winter semester 2011/12)
A selection of seminars
- Seminar in Production and Logistics (in English, Bachelor, winter semester 2017/18)
- International Logistics (in English, Bachelor, winter semester 2016/17)
- Business Forecasting (in English, Master, summer semester 2016)
- Academic Skills (in English, Bachelor, summer semester 2015)
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management (in English, Master, summer semester 2014)
- Service Management (Master)
- Angewandte Planung in Produktion und Logistik